Dear players! Today (21.02.2025) we turn off the server x100 [OLD] and x100 [NEW] to combine them. Server x100 - The already merged server will be available on 21/02/2025 at 19:00 Kyiv time GMT+3!
Each new player on the x100 server will receive Premium Account + Vip buff for 7 days.
All characters from server x100 [NEW] will get Premium Account + Vip buff for 7 days.
What happens after the merge?:
- Eternal server, no wipes.
- Revitalization of the server due to the opening of new x100 and merging with the old x100.
- Online uplift - after the unification, there will be even more online!
How will the unification take place?:
- All locks will remain with the owners [NEW] x100, Clan Hall will be released
- Clone nicknames will be added prefixes (_NEW) and free nickname change, via the command .merge_nickname
- Clone clans will be added the prefix (_NEW) and a free name change .merge_clanname
- The auction will be reset (things will be returned to the players) - we are building a new economy.
- The times of events (respawn Epic and regular raid bosses) remain from the server[NEW].
- Heroes, Olympiad points are saved from both servers.
ATTENTION! If you do not see the desired character due to the limit on your account, delete unnecessary heroes (Delay for deletion - 60 seconds). After deletion, the characters will appear.
Characters not logged into the game for more than 12 months will be removed.
The server will be launched on February 21 at 19:00 Kyiv time GMT +3