At OBT you will find:
• When you create a character, you get 80 lvl and a whole set of buffs.
• Available for you to use 99999 Euro Монета, 99999 Coin of luck
2 billion Adena.
• Donate Shop is available with all the essentials!
• For the duration of the OBT, the chance of argumentation is increased to 50% !!
• On OBT Chance to sharpen things up to +6 - safe point (At the official opening +3 - safe point)
• Round-the-clock Olympiad (24/7) with a period of issuance every day (00.00 Moscow time)
• On the skill panel, added .menu macro - for quick customization of your character.
The .level command has been added for the OBT period - Allows you to change your character's level.
Example: .level 46 - Your character will be assigned level 46.
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